
biology, medicine, network, complex system, anything that can be called Wonderful!

Moved to Wonder! China

Friends in China can not visit Blogger, so I finally decide to move to Wonder!- Learning .:&:. Amusement (http://sparkw.mysmth.net/) or visit by another address given by China's SciBlogger Association (http://biowonder.sciblogs.org

Please visit my home page http://jieqi.info for other sharing.

Gene Ontology

Gene Ontology(GO) project is to produce a controlled vocabulary that can be applied to all organisms even as knowledge of gene and protein roles in cells is accumulating and changing. GO provides three structured networks of defined terms to describe gene product attributes. The three organizing principles of GO are molecular function, biological process and cellular component.

General Repository for Interaction Datasets

General Repository for Interaction Datasets (GRID) is a comprehensive database of Genetic and Physical Interactions in several organisms, including yeast, fly and worm. They also develop a software named Osprey to view those interactions locally. Osprey builds data-rich graphical representations from Gene Ontology(GO) annotated interaction data maintained by The GRID.

Directory of Grants and Fellowships in the Global Health Sciences

The Fogarty International Center, the international component of the National Institutes of Health, addresses global health issues through research and training programs and participates in international partnerships to foster research and improve health. Since 1988, the Center has published the Directory of International Grants and Fellowships in the Health Sciences, a comprehensive compilation of international funding opportunities in biomedical and behavioral research. RSS Feed.


Phobius: "A combined transmembrane topology and signal peptide predictor"

Eukaryotic Promoter Database (SIB)

SIB-EPD is an annotated non-redundant collection of eukaryotic POL II promoters. The annotation part of an entry includes description of the initiation site mapping data, cross-references to other databases, and bibliographic references. EPD is structured in a way that facilitates dynamic extraction of biologically meaningful promoter subsets for comparative sequence analysis. Powered by Swiss Institute for Bioinformatics

Saccharomyces Genome Database

SGDTM is a scientific database of the molecular biology and genetics of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is commonly known as baker's or budding yeast.

Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis (2nd Edt)

Read it Online
The second edition of Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis provides comprehensive instruction in computational methods for analyzing DNA, RNA, and protein data, with explanations of the underlying algorithms, the advantages and limitations of each method, and strategies for their application to biological problems.

Common Links for Biologist

Amos'WWW links page :ExPASy Life Science Directory
NCBI: National Center for Biotechnology Information
ExPASy: Expert Protein Analysis System Proteomics Server
PDB: Protein Data Bank

Journals: (Imapact Factor 2004)
Cell; Nature; Science; PLoS (Public Library of Science)

ExPASy Proteomics Server

ExPASy (Expert Protein Analysis System) proteomics server of the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) is dedicated to the analysis of protein sequences and structures as well as 2-D PAGE (Disclaimer / References), includingSwiss-Prot and TrEMBL ,PROSITE ,SWISS-2DPAGE ,ENZYME and many Proteomics and sequence analysis tools

Visual Complexity

VisualComplexity.com intends to be a unified resource space for anyone interested in the visualization of complex networks. The project's main goal is to leverage a critical understanding of different visualization methods, across a series of disciplines, as diverse as Biology, Social Networks or the World Wide Web.

Nature | Milestones

Nature Milestones highlights key discoveries that have shaped different scientific fields and enables the wider recognition of these classic findings that are often recognized only by those in the field.

From Nature Publishing Group


Scansite searches for motifs within proteins that are likely to be phosphorylated by specific protein kinases or bind to domains. The current release version 2.0 includes 62 motifs characterizing the binding and/or substrate specificities of many families of Ser/Thr- or Tyr-kinases, SH2, SH3, PDZ, 14-3-3 and PTB domains, together with signature motifs for PtdIns(3,4,5)P(3)-specific PH domains
See reference.

Cytoscape: Analyzing and Visualizing Biological Network Data

Cytoscape is an open source bioinformatics software platform for visualizing molecular interaction networks and integrating these interactions with gene expression profiles and other state data. The platform supports gene functional annotations from Gene Ontology (GO) and KEGG databases, biological models from Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML), protein-protein interactions from BIND and TRANSFAC databases. Additional features are available as plugins. Plugins are available for network and molecular profiling analyses, new layouts, additional file format support and connection with databases. See features and tutorial. More information about the Cytoscape platform and project is available on the Web at www.cytoscape.org.

Recommended plugins:
Agilent Literature Search

ISB Institute for Systems Biology
UCSD University of California at San Diego

MSKCC Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Agilent Agilent Technologies

IP Institut Pasteur


PhosphoSite is a curated bioinformatics database developed by scientists at Cell Signaling Technology. Its goal are to aggregate information about all in vivo phosphorylation sites in human and mouse proteins and to provide information and resources that will facilitate signal transduction research. It now contains selected literature references, the peptide sequences of phosphorylation sites, their location within known domains and motifs, links to useful resources, and sources of antibodies for studying these sites.

Science | Special Issues

Science| Online Extras: Special Issues provide an archive of Science's Special Issues, as well as Special Issue-related collections of articles drawing on material from both the journal and its online companion sites. A comprehensive site for special topic!

Science's STKE | Connections Map

Science's STKE | Connections Map provide a graphical interface to a database of information on components of cellular signaling pathways and their relations. Pathway Authorities recruited by the editorial staff of the STKE provide the information in the database.

Address change and related problems

I noticed one the problem related to the blog address change.
The JCR (Journal citation report) should be found here.

Declaration about blog addresses

Blog Wonder! has changed the address to http://biowonder.blogspot.com, which is maintained by spark,Zhang,qqkk and Abhijit.
The current address of http://sparkw.blogspot.com has NO relationship with spark. And Wonder! CN (http://sparkw.mysmth.net) is the sister blog of Wonder! in China, which is maintained both by sparkw@newsmth and biowonder@newsmth.
Both of these blogs are initiated to provide colleagues with biology-related web resources.