
biology, medicine, network, complex system, anything that can be called Wonderful!

The WWW Virtual Library

VL The WWW Virtual Library is the oldest catalogue of the Web, started by Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of HTML and of the Web itself, in 1991 at CERN in Geneva. Unlike commercial catalogues, it is run by a loose confederation of volunteers, who compile pages of key links for particular areas in which they are expert; even though it isn't the biggest index of the Web, the VL pages are widely recognised as being amongst the highest-quality guides to particular sections of the Web.

The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Statistics

The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Statistics

The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Statistics

This page is being brought to you by the folks at The University of Florida's Department of Statistics.
The "book and globe" logo is the trademark of the WWW Virtual Library.

Data Sources

Job Announcements

The Job Announcements are maintained at UF. Announcements may be sent via email to jobs@stat.ufl.edu .

Departments, Divisions, and Schools of Statistics

Listings by Continent: [Africa] [Asia] [Australia/Oceania] [Europe] [North America] [South America]

On-Line Educational Resources

Government Statistical Institutes

Statistical Research Groups, Institutes, and Associations

Statistical Services

Statistical Archives and Resources

Statistical Software Vendors and Software FAQs

Statistical Journals

Mailing Lists and Archives

Statistics Related News Groups

Related Fields

From: http://www.stat.ufl.edu/vlib/

3DGenome Project

3DGenome Project consortium members will develop state-of-the-art 3D light microscopy techniques, along with image processing and analysis tools to visualise DNA inside the cell. They will correlate the genome's 3D structure with the expression of specific genes in human, mice and drosophila cells. Using this range of model systems will help establish which aspects of the 3D genome structure have been conserved through evolution and which are most likely to play an important role in gene regulation.

The research program is conducted by a consortium of seven European partners and is coordinated by Roel van Driel of the Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences of the University of Amsterdam in The Netherlands.

The EU Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) for Research and Development (2002-2006) is one of the world's largest research programmes, with a budget of 17.5 billion Euros, of which around 3 billion Euros is available for life sciences research. Under the FP6, 2.2 million Euros have been awarded to the 3DGENOME-research program.

Molecular Probes - The Handbook - A Guide to Fluorescent Probes and Labeling Technologies(10th)

The Handbook — A Guide to Fluorescent Probes and Labeling Technologies is a comprehensive resource for fluorescence technology and its applications. Newly revised, The Handbook contains detailed information describing the use of more than 3000 Molecular Probes products for life science research, including extensive data, numerous technical notes, and full-color images of the products in action.

Provided by

GeneScape Portal

GeneScape® is CuraGen's state-of-the-art operating portal that provides the foundation for genomic-based drug discovery and development. GeneScape is a sophisticated bioinformatics platform that was developed at CuraGen to manage, track, analyze, and interpret industrial scale genomic information. The GeneScape operating portal integrates each of CuraGen's functional genomic technologies and enables access via the Internet.

Gene Ontology Tools

Gene Ontology Tools

From: http://www.geneontology.org/GO.tools.shtml