
biology, medicine, network, complex system, anything that can be called Wonderful!





Stem cell News site

As you may know and my blog featured, California initiatives for stem cell got ok from the court, while the plantiff was planning to appeal.

I found this news through latest Science mag, while yahoo search gave MedicalNNewsToday news site. Even better, the MedicalNNewsToday also has a section for the hot stem cell research. Wish you enjoy it as I do.

Books on Complexity

  1. How Nature Works: The Science of Self-Organized Criticality
    by Per Bak
  2. Ubiquity : Why Catastrophes Happen
    by Mark Buchanan
  3. Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos
    by Mitchell M. Waldrop
  4. Chaos: Making a New Science
    by James Gleick
  5. Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order
    by Steven Strogatz
    Also called "How Order Emerges from Chaos in the Universe, Nature, and Daily Life"
  6. Foundations of Complex-system Theories : In Economics, Evolutionary Biology, and Statistical Physics
    by Sunny Y. Auyang

Swiss EMBnet node server

Swiss EMBnet node server provides services including:
  • Basic BLAST Sequence searches
  • Advanced BLAST Sequence searches
  • TMPRED Transmembrane regions detection
  • LALIGN Alignments of 2 sequences
  • PRSS Optimal score of an alignment
  • COILS Coiled-coil domains prediction
  • BOXSHADE Multiple alignments designer
  • ClustalW Multiple sequence alignment
  • T-COFFEE Multiple sequence alignment
  • iPCR Virtual PCR tool
  • EMBOSS/wEMBOSS package
  • ENSEMBL local mirror site
  • SRS7 searches at EBI
  • Fetch get sequences
  • FTP server Databases and software download
  • Phylogeny Programs

    Developers of Phylip collect hundreds of links and descriptions of Phylogeny Programs in the world.

    EMBL Dali: 3-D protein structure superposition

    EMBL Dal server compares protein structures in 3D against those in the Protein Data Bank. If you want to know the structural neighbours of a protein already in the Protein Data Bank, you can find them in the FSSP database.

    Medical Dictionary

    As a health care professional, good medical dictionary is a must! I have used several dictionaries, and found Intellihealth was the very best. I continue using it...

    The site is www.intellihealth.com Under "Look it up" menu. Of note, online www.webster.com is another good one for general use.

    Pattern Search

    • PROSITE: single motifs (regexs) -best with small highly conserved sites
    • eMOTIF: permissive regexs(derived from PRINTS and BLOCKS)
    • Profile Library: weight matrices-good with divergent domains and superfamilies
    • PRINTS: multiple motifs (fingerprints) -best for families and sub-families
    • Blocks: multiple motifs (derived from InterPro and PRINTS)
    • Pfam: Hidden Markov Models -good with divergent domains and superfamilies


    InterProScan: Searching of many motif databasesat the same time.
    BlastProDom FPrintScan
    HMMTigr ProfileScan ScanRegExp SuperFamily SignalPHMM
    TMHMM HMMPanther Gene3D

    Evolutionary Trace Servers

    ET method maps clusters of subfamily specific residues on 3D structures. See here for an overview.
    @University of Cambridge(with support from PHYLIP)
    @Baylor College of Medicine

    Amas - Analyze Multiply Aligned Sequences

    Amas: "is a program to analyse multiple alignments of protein sequences. It allows the identification of functional residues by comparison of sub-groups of sequences arranged on a tree, and generates pretty coloured alignments". Download it for free or do analyze on the web server.

    orkut community

    Orkut is an online community that connects people through a network of trusted friends.

    It provides the network and friend list function, by which one can quickly expand his network/community. Also a forum funtion makes it very easy to set up a place where people can easily share their values and comments, maybe critics.

    I made a community of CMG (Chinese medical graduates), for the benefit of Chinese medical graduates, who are struglling for USMLE, and residency match.
    Chinese New Year

    Free Vector NTI Software

    Vector NTI Advance™ - Sequence analysis and data management software. It provides full-featured, highly integrated desktop bioinformatics applications. Invitrogen launches the Vector NTI Open Access Policy.Now non-profit researchers can get FREE, annual licenses of Vector NTI software in 3 Easy Steps. View the full policy here.

    Special Topics

    ESI Special Topics is designed to complement Essential Science Indicators in providing citation analyses and commentary for selected scientific research areas that have experienced notable recent advances or are of special current interest.