
biology, medicine, network, complex system, anything that can be called Wonderful!

RasMol Home Page

Protein Explorer, a RasMol-derivative, is the easiest-to-use and most powerful software for looking at macromolecular structure and its relation to function. And it's free! It runs on Windows or Macintosh/PPC /Linux/Unix computers.RasMol users will find its menus very familiar, and it understands RasMol commands. It is very fast: rotating a protein or DNA molecule shows its 3D structure"

Science--Enhanced Perspectives and Policy Forums Listing

Science's Enhanced Perspectives are concise overviews of exciting recent research, either published in Science or elsewhere. Enhanced Perspectives include hypernotes beyond the standard bibliographic references. Once a month, they also provide an enhanced version of a Science Policy Forum article.

On Being the Right Size

On Being the Right Size is a 1928 essay by J.B.S. Haldane. It discusses proportions in the animal world and the essential link between the size of an animal and these systems an animal has for life.

BioTechniques-The International Journal of Life Science Methods

As of January 2005, BioTechniques® offers complimentary subscriptions to scientists engaged in laboratory bioresearch in North America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Asia Pacific. Get it now.

HIV As A Lentiviral Vector In Gene Therapy


Yeast Experiments

A Classroom Guide To Yeast Experiments These articles describe genetics and radiation experiments using yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), a popular eukaryotic microbe for genetics and molecular biology research. They include student experiments and techniques, teacher tips, background material, integrated applications to environmental science, math, and physics, and sources of supplies

New York Academy of Sciences

New York Academy of Sciences supports many seminiars and meetings in NYC and provides full access to its online rescources, such as eBriefings, to registered member. If you are interested in particular area at NYAS, I can email you some stuffs on that.

Impact Factor 2004 in Science

From Journal Citation Report (JCR), a product of Thomson ISI (Institute for Scientific Information). Download here in Excel format.